IELTS Speaking Videos

The IELTS Speaking test is an interview style test. One person, the examiner, will ask questions. The test taker answers the questions. Watch the following videos for tips to start taking the test!

Entering the Room

Part 1

Part 1 begins the test. The examiner will begin the test by asking, “Now this is the fist part, I would like to ask you some questions about yourself.” This signals the beginning of the test. Watch the following videos for tips on part 1!

Part 1 – Hint 1

Part 2

Part 2 of the test is the Individual Long Turn. You will be given a topic. You must speak for two minutes. Watch the following videos for tips doing part 2!

Part 2 – Hint 1

Part 2 – Hint 2

Part 2 – Hint 3

Part 3

Part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test is the discussion. During this part, the examiner will facilitate a two-way discussion with the test taker. Watch the following videos for tips!

Part 3 – Hint 1

Part 3 – Hint 2

Part 3 – Hint 3


Simulation: Now that you have watched the videos, it is time to practice. The best practice it with a partner. Your partner can be a friend, teacher, or tutor. Your partner will act like the examiner. You will answer questions as the test taker. Use the tips and hints studied in the videos to practice.

Self talk: Another way you can practice is through self talk. If a friend, teacher, or tutor cannot help, you can practice by yourself. You act as both the examiner and the test taker. Ask yourself questions from a practice test. Answer the questions. For even better practice, record yourself. Review the recording.

There are many books with practice tests and questions. Online, at, you can find practice materials. Have fun!